Coverage - significado y definición. Qué es Coverage
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Qué (quién) es Coverage - definición

Coverage (disambiguation)

¦ noun
1. the extent to which something is covered.
2. the treatment of an issue by the media.
3. US the amount of protection given by an insurance policy.
1) to provide coverage for
2) comprehensive, full coverage
3) to receive coverage
4) complete, extensive, full, wide coverage (the story received wide coverage)
5) live; television coverage
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
The coverage of something in the news is the reporting of it.
Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races...



Coverage may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Coverage
1. coverage?
The Media & Political Coverage _ Joanne Lipman _ Talks at Google
2. coverage.
The Big Picture From Space _ Josef Aschbacher _ Talks at Google
3. coverage.
The Media & Political Coverage _ Joanne Lipman _ Talks at Google
4. coverage.
How to Be Black _ Baratunde Thurston _ Talks at Google
5. And great cultural coverage, great politics coverage,
Pioneering Change in The LGBT Chicago Community _ Tracy Baim _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Coverage
1. Families USA supports expanding health insurance coverage to all Americans, or universal coverage.
2. About 37 million now have prescription drug coverage; most of them had coverage before Jan. 1.
3. "And how can the STC criticize Mobilys coverage when Mobily is using STCs towers for coverage.
4. That coverage is much different than the group coverage offered through an employer.
5. And the coverage on many Arabic news stations is the opposite of the coverage in Israel.